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Wide Area Persistent Bird Detection & Anti-Intrusion System

Policies & Requirements

Bird strike is one of the key threat to aviation safety, evidence to date indicate about 20% of aircraft crashes and 1~2 billion dollars loss were caused by bird attacks worldwide per year, and major happened in aircraft taking-off and landing, 71% is below 150 meters. For this reason, the FAA has upgraded it to Class "A" air incident, and the CAAC clearly stipulates the Airport Management Agency is responsible for the bird strikes within 100 meters altitude of aircraft taking off and 60 meters on approach landing. Even-though many bird countermeasures were widely used in airports and with the limited effectiveness, birds would be getting used to the most of repellent techniques in a short period.

Base on the Wide Area Persistent Ground-to-Air Integrated Surveillance System we developed, combine with the needs of airport bird strike management, our Birds Detection and Anti-Intrusion Solution is make good use of automatic tracking and small targets identification algorithm in military grade we mastered, and adopts the AI + Edge Computing technology, setup a ‘Recognize-Repel-Avoid-Manage+Post-Evaluation’ closed-loop working procedure. Until now, it has been deployed in more than 10 military and civilian airports in China with exclusive good effects.

Disadvantages of Traditional Way

  • Artificial way to do the airport birds situational observation and investigation

    In order to prevent to the bird strike aircraft happened, all airports have purchased a large number of anti-bird devices and let them operation in the fixed time and fixed pattern, but with the limit effect, and airport bird activity research basically relies on manual subjective judgment.
  • Lacking of good detection solutions to improve the efficiency of bird deterrent

    such as gas cannons, titanium thunder cannons, sonic cannons, and lasers, most of airport anti-bird device can only be setup to work regularly, which led to inaccurate, inefficient and purposeless to drive birds.
  • Incompatible between bird detection system and bird deterrent equipment

    Its difficult to let the bird detection system and bird deterrent equipment work together well to achieve the airport low altitude protection due to without uniform technical protocol standard.
  • Poor comprehensive analysis ability of bird situation survey

    Regular bird investigation is by manual in airport, which result in a small number of samples, limit range of observation, low accuracy of conclusions, lead to inaccurate statistics and cannot be effectively used for ecological bird situation management.


ALLIN TECH Wide Area Persistent Bird Detection & Anti-Intrusion System is base on the military level technology of automatic detection, identification and tracking of weak & small targets as a concept, combine with the needs of airport bird strike management, our Birds Detection and Anti-Intrusion Solution is make good use of automatic tracking and small targets identification algorithm in military grade, and adopts the AI + Edge Computing technology, setup a ‘Recognize-Repel-Avoid-Mange+Post-Evaluation’ closed-loop working procedure. Until now, it has been deployed in more than 10 military and civilian airports in China with exclusive good effects.
Wide Area Persistent Bird Detection & Anti-Intrusion System

Innovative thinking

  • Establishment of Bird’s Big Data

    Re-timely and automatically fulfill the bird surveys in airport and surrounded area, establish a bird database to support for comprehensive ecological bird control, the relative data includes: bird species, habitat locations, fly routes, activity areas.
  • Safety Surveillance and Bird Detection During Aircraft Take-off, Landing and approach

    Automatically search, track and record the birds activity around the airport, collect bird image slices, and perform an exact statistical analysis on the species, habitat position, flight route, activity area and time pattern of the birds, then Establish a big data of bird situational investigation to support bird control at the airport.
  • Low, Slow and Small Targets Real-time Surveillance

    Capability of tracking, confirming,video recording and collecting the evidence for the targets of birds or drones that are approaching from a far distance, and can cover a larger airspace detection if linkage work with radar.
  • Online Visualization of Bird Situation and Data Analysis

    The collection, analysis and processing of bird data are automatically realized at the edge of the system, and visual bird situation can be watched on the computer and mobile terminals online.


Till now, ALLIN TECH Wide-Area Persistent Bird Detection & Anti-Intrusion System have already been applied in many military and civil airports.

Wide Area Persistent Bird Detection & Anti-intrusion System
Wide Area Persistent Bird Detection & Anti-intrusion System
Wide Area Persistent Bird Detection & Anti-intrusion System
Wide Area Persistent Bird Detection & Anti-intrusion System
Wide Area Persistent Bird Detection & Anti-intrusion System
Wide Area Persistent Bird Detection & Anti-intrusion System
Wide Area Persistent Bird Detection & Anti-intrusion System
Wide Area Persistent Bird Detection & Anti-intrusion System

Software Video Display

Software Demostration on Real Case-Low-Attitude Electronic Fence Surveillance System

Big Bird Automatic Tracking -Automatic Search and Track Surveillance System

Safety Monitoring During Aircraft Take-off-Automatic Search and Track Surveillance System

Joint Working by ASTSS & AEFSS

Application Scenarios

Airport Bird Control

Airport Bird Control

Ornithological Study

Ornithological Study

Power Station

Power Station

Electric Network

Electric Network

Solar Energy

Solar Energy

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